Why Health and Education are Connected in America

health education connection AmericaIn the United States, a clear connection can be observed between levels of education and levels of health. Often, the broad concept of “socio-economics” is used to describe where a person is situated in things like health and education, but in focusing on the correlation between the two, it is clear that health and education have an inverse relationship in the United States. Where one is restricted, so is the other. Where one flourishes, so does the other. Health tends to resemble education in the United States in most people. The higher a person’s education reaches, the higher their bill of health reaches.

The reason behind this is how much of our health awareness is tied into our education. After all, what does education do if not make us more aware of the world around us. This includes information about health and well being. An education in any area gets us questioning our life practices. An education in anything having to do with physical, biological or social sciences gets us thinking about the repercussions of toxicity and the benefits of nourishment. Essentially, any education exposes a person to information about better health practices, if only in that it inspires them to educate themselves on different topics for their own interest.

The effect that this has on a person is profound. They begin with understanding their health within a basic mental framework and ultimately come to understand their health in incredible detail. Studies have shown that once a person takes an interest in understanding their personal health, they do not stop. Instead, they continue to invest more and more time and energy growing in their understanding of their personal health. This essentially makes them more self sufficient people because they do not have to rely on the country’s medical system as heavily.

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